Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, many noticed that countries with women heads of state fared better against the virus.  New Zealand, Taiwan, and parts of Scandinavia, for example.  When it comes to gender, leadership and the pandemic, what matters more?  Who is in the top seat of power?  Or the political culture of the system itself?  Associate Professor Jennifer Piscopo suggests that we take a careful look at the latter.  If gender equality is to be part of the global post-pandemic recovery, then ensuring it - at the constitutional level is a must.  In this episode of GDP, Jennifer Piscopo talks about the true grit of gender equality.
Jennifer M. Piscopo is Associate Professor of Politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. Her research on gender and politics, democracy, and political representation has appeared in over twenty peer-reviewed journals, including The American Journal of Political Science, Politics & Gender, and Comparative Political Studies, and numerous edited volumes. She co-edits the academic journal Politics, Groups, and Identities and consults regularly for international organizations such as UN Women. A frequent commentator in the domestic and international media, her public-facing writing on women and political empowerment has appeared in outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Boston Review, Ms. Magazine, and The Smithsonian. @jennpiscopo
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