In Cuba in the 1960s an 1970s gay men could be sent to work camps for "re-education". ย Hostilities and discrimination against the gay community were widespread in the 1980s and 1990s as well. ย However, today Cuba has one of the most progressive approaches to LGBTQ+ rights in the Americas. ย 

In this podcast Dr Bob Huish talks with Dr. Emily Kirk to discuss how attitudes and policies changed in Cuba from being incredibly repressive to forwardly progressive. ย ย 

Dr. Emily Kirk is a Research Fellow in the Department of International Development Studies at Dalhousie University, Canada. She is author of Cubaโ€™s Gay Revolution, and co-editor of Cubaโ€™s Forgotten Decade. Dr. Kirk continues to research the impact of the health-based approach to development within Cuba.

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