Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, and has for 4 out of 5 households are food insecure after harvests, HIV/AIDS is with 10% of the population, less than half of students graduate grade 8, and now with climate change and turbulent post-pandemic economies, the country needs committed support from stakeholders that genuinely meet the needs of communities.  Will donors in the global North keep their commitments to Malawi once the pandemic subsides?  And if so?  How?  In this episode, Gertrude Kabwazi joins us from Lilongwe, Malawi, to discuss development challenges and the future of cooperation in the country.
Gertrude Kabwazi joined Yamba Malawi in 2019 with more than 25 years of experience as a development practitioner and social justice activist. Her expertise in working with both local and international organizations uniquely positions her to lead the program team, develop community-focused interventions and activities, and serve thousands of children each year. Prior to Yamba Malawi, she worked at Advancing Girls Education in Africa, World Vision International, and Concern Universal, among others. Her breadth of expertise and leadership roles serves Yamba Malawi’s holistic approach to breaking the cycle of poverty. Gertrude holds a Masters in Women’s Law from the University of Zimbabwe, a B.A. in Human and Social Studies with a concentration in Development Studies from the University of South Africa, a University Diploma in Journalism from University of Malawi and a Certificate in Education Policy from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. Gertrude has been recognized as an African Visionary Fellow with Segal Family Foundation and a Perennial Fellow, and serves on a number of Boards, including the Malawi Union of Academic and Non-Fiction Authors, Integrity Platform (Affiliate of Transparency International), World Bicycle Relief-Buffalo Bicycles, Women and Law in Southern Africa (WILSA), Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (COWLHA), and Concerned Youth Organization.
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