
This is Jay, game master and co-host of Games We Never Play. On behalf of
my fellow cohorts--Steven, Jameson, and Michael--thank you so very much for
supporting us on Patreon!

Games We Never Play is a gaming exploratory podcast created in 2019 to
celebrate games and the people who play them. Every 4-episode block has us
creating characters for an RPG, doing a few hours of playing, and then
talking about our experiences with it.

It's a great day and age to be a gamer. There are so many fantastic RPGs on
the market, it's near-impossible to try them all. With this podcast, we
hope to give you--our listener and supporter--a chance to either discover a
new game, learn about a game you haven't yet had a chance to try, or
rekindle your appreciation of a game you maybe haven't played in a while.

Steven, Jameson, Michael, and I are gamers at heart. We each play, run,
create, and even publish games every chance we get. Ask any one of us about
our lives and we'll inevitably bring up our passion for gaming.

If you're reading this, we're sure you share that passion for gaming as
well and we appreciate your sharing that with us! Perhaps you started
rolling dice with the 1st- or 2nd-edition progenitors of today's modern
games. Or maybe you started playing yesterday, inspired by the RPG
renaissance brought about by the 5th edition of the World's Most Popular
Roleplaying Game. Whether you're a d20 veteran or a Players Handbook
initiate, we hope you enjoy the games we explore and the stories we tell on
this podcast. More so, we hope that our sessions inspire you to try new
games, tell new stories, and create new experiences for yourself and your
fellow players around the gaming table.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you again for your support!


This is Jay, game master and co-host of Games We Never Play. On behalf of my fellow cohorts--Steven, Jameson, and Michael--thank you so very much for supporting us on Patreon!

Games We Never Play is a gaming exploratory podcast created in 2019 to celebrate games and the people who play them. Every 4-episode block has us creating characters for an RPG, doing a few hours of playing, and then talking about our experiences with it.

It's a great day and age to be a gamer. There are so many fantastic RPGs on the market, it's near-impossible to try them all. With this podcast, we hope to give you--our listener and supporter--a chance to either discover a new game, learn about a game you haven't yet had a chance to try, or rekindle your appreciation of a game you maybe haven't played in a while.

Steven, Jameson, Michael, and I are gamers at heart. We each play, run, create, and even publish games every chance we get. Ask any one of us about our lives and we'll inevitably bring up our passion for gaming.

If you're reading this, we're sure you share that passion for gaming as well and we appreciate your sharing that with us! Perhaps you started rolling dice with the 1st- or 2nd-edition progenitors of today's modern games. Or maybe you started playing yesterday, inspired by the RPG renaissance brought about by the 5th edition of the World's Most Popular Roleplaying Game. Whether you're a d20 veteran or a Players Handbook initiate, we hope you enjoy the games we explore and the stories we tell on this podcast. More so, we hope that our sessions inspire you to try new games, tell new stories, and create new experiences for yourself and your fellow players around the gaming table.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you again for your support!

Click Here to go to our Patreon.