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Games We Never Play talks about some of its favorite anime-inspired
role-playing games!

Today, I wish to share a vulnerability of mine. A secret shame. A terrible burden that’s followed me for over twenty years and oh God I felt my hair turn gray just writing that. I… Am an anime fan. A weeaboo. A dweeb.  A nerdy nerd who has opinions on things such as “JoJo Arcs” or “Which Sailor Scout is the best waifu” or “what kind of Quirk would I have.” Seriously shameful thing, I know, but if you’re willing to forgive then I’m willing to heal. And by heal, I mean talk about anime-inspired role-playing games and you get all excited about them.

Anime is defined by… Well, it’s defined by being a cartoon from Japan, but if you ask an expert (me) it’s mostly defined by its defiance (or strict compliance) of genre conventions and exploration of themes such as family, identity, heroism, and intrigue. Basically, everything you want in a tabletop game! So, Games We Never Play has decided to give you five anime-inspired roleplaying games so your table can get their power levels over--

I’ve just been informed the year is 2020 and I’m not allowed to make that reference anymore. Okay. Well. Let’s keep going.


I don’t think I can do a better summary than this bit of copy from the translation Kickstarter: Hayao Miyazaki’s Oregon Trail. This game is about traveling, making friends, and exploring the world - Literally, the game is all about wanderlust and the need for adventure, which is a kind of experience you WANT in a tabletop game. Going on a trip with your friends is an incredibly human experience and to replicate anime like Mushishi, Somali and the Forest Spirit, or even goofier fare such as Konosuba in a game that is kind of… Magical? That’s sappy. This game makes me sappy. Let’s move on.

Glitter Punk

Okay, quick question: Are you more Madoka Magica or Sailor Moon? Personally, I’m always down to fight for love and beauty in a frilly outfit no matter how dramatic. Regardless of how grim, dark, and grimdark you like your magical girls, this recent release from newcomers Leatherman Games allows a player to explore the world of Magical Girls (and boys, no reason to be gender-specific in this day and age) in settings inspired by your favorite shows and even other Japanese media like tokusatsu, for those Power Rangers fans out there! In the name of the moon, I’ll probably be running this soon! Oof, that was rough.


Okay, everyone wants to be the best. Like no one ever was! To do… Something in particular, can’t think of what, is your real test, to do something equally challenging is your cause! That’s where Exalted comes in! Exalted Third Edition from Onyx Path is a game where you play… Well, Shonen Anime Protagonist Person Who Is Amazing At Their Thing™. If you want to punch harder than Jotaro Kujo or use a sword like Zoro from One Piece, this is the game for you. This game also comes in this really giant, beautiful book that could eat your smaller, lesser games if left unattended, so watch out for that.


So some anime are gritty, raw, and… Kind of Mad Max-ish. Classics such as Fist of the North Star, Doomed Megalopolis, or anime-inspired games such as Persona or Digital Devil Saga all have adventures in barren, demon-infested worlds that may or may not be post-apocalyptic. From this particular post-apocalyptic pastiche plays (ugh, sorry, that was forced) Monsterpunk, the roleplaying game where players traverse a world that has fallen and is now filled with monsters that want to eat you or join forces with you - or maybe both! This game allows for a fun exploration of a fast-and-furious combat system… In style!


So, the best thing about anime is that it doesn’t have hard rules or boundaries. It can be a high-flying superhero adventure like My Hero Academia or a super cute anime about friendship like K-On or maybe even about a normal person transported to a new world like… Oh, God, so many shows. For a genre that can be anything, you need a game that can be anything, and that’s where OVA comes in. This game was designed top to bottom to allow all sorts of genres and games to be played with simplicity and elegance.

So, those are five of our favorite anime-themed role-playing games to dive into. Have we forgotten any? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to listen to Games We Never Play every Monday for all sorts of gaming experiences.