While we all know students who may exhibit more confidence that they have the right to based on their actual knowledge and experience, more often as preceptors we have students who demonstrate a lack of confidence that gets in the way of their learning. It is easy to make assumptions about why a student demonstrates a lack of confidence, but often we have missed the mark. By understanding the root cause of waning confidence in a pharmacy learner, we can develop strategies to increase confidence and allow them to optimize their learning. 


Dr. Kate Newman, Director of Experiential Education, and Dr. Stephanie Hunziker, Director of Skills and Simulation and a Clinical Assistant Professor are both from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy. They have recognized the negative impact that low confidence can have on learner outcomes and have lots to share about challenges and strategies for identifying the root cause of low confidence, as well as teaching tactics and methods to overcome them.  

Kathy Schott, PhD
Kate Newman, PharmD
Director of Experiential Education 
Clinical Associate Professor, Pharmacy Practice 
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, School of Pharmacy 

Stephanie Hunziker, PharmD
Director of Skills and Simulation 
Clinical Assistant Professor 
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy 

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CE Information 

At the end of this course, preceptors will be able to: 

1. Recognize potential reasons as learner may appear to lack confidence in a clinical setting. 
2. Discuss strategies to help students overcome barriers and increase confidence. 


UAN: 0107-0000-23-208-H99-P 
Release Date: 05/17/2023 
Expiration Date: 05/17/2026 
The speakers have no relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies to disclose. 


This program has been: 

Approved by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy as education for Minnesota pharmacy preceptors. Reviewed by the Texas Consortium on Experiential Programs and has been designated as preceptor education and training for Texas preceptors. 

Want more information on this and related topics?  


True Grit: Developing a Philosophy of Failure 


Pharmacy learners are innately afraid to look silly, say the wrong thing, or make mistakes that could result in negative feedback. This fear can manifest in a perceived lack of confidence. This course provides pearls for creating an safe and supportive environment where failure isn’t something to be ashamed of, but rather a path to greater learning. 


We’ve also got a great podcast on this topic. Check out Season 2, Episode 1.  



Using Feedback to Improve Your Teaching https://learn.ceimpact.com/library/group/36/course/5102 


Feedback is essential to developing a trusting and safe environment where learners can grow in their confidence. This course will give you some proven strategies for accepting and implementing critical

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