Game of Owns - A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones podcast artwork

Game of Owns - A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones podcast

530 episodes - English - Latest episode: 2 months ago - ★★★★★ - 1.2K ratings

Podcasting through George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon and HBO's Game Of Thrones. Episodes sorted chapter by chapter at

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Cat Started The War

April 09, 2013 03:30 - 1 hour - 68.5 MB

Game of Owns is back with their week two conversationing of HBO's Game of Thrones Season 3. Sue joins the cast this week as the boys look into this new episode in which first time introductions for the season are made, old time friends are finally met, and a brand new arch of story could shake its very foundation.

Game of Thrones Exhibition

April 06, 2013 00:08 - 26 minutes - 24.5 MB

This evening marks the first Friday within the new Game of Thrones season, and the first GOO ever recorded out and about in the world. Travel with Micah as he enjoys VIP night of the Game of Thrones Exhibition currently on its world tour, and a special one on one visit with one of your favorite guests of the show.

Season 3 Begins

April 01, 2013 13:43 - 1 hour - 61.4 MB

It's finally here, Game of Owns performs a ponderous gaze into the much anticipated premiere of Game of Thrones Season 3. Time stops for no one as the series moves forward and forward, moving our heroes closer and closer to refined theories and love of favorite characters.

Intellectual Nudity

March 29, 2013 23:06 - 39 minutes - 36.6 MB

In this Friday episode, GOO welcomes the WinterIsComing crew in for a sit down and celebration of the hysteria inducing premiere of Season 3 being and its wait of ONLY TWO MORE DAYS. A counter ticks to the end of its life as a jovial group of eight get to know each other and future of this story.

Catching up with Kristian Nairn

March 27, 2013 20:20 - 31 minutes - 29.1 MB

In this very exciting Wednesday episode, the boys are joined by none other than Mr. Hodor himself, Kristian Nairn. It's been months since Kristian's last visit to the show, and he has been up to things. Learn more about his personal experiences filming and thoughts on Season 3, the future of the series, and standing up for George RR Martin's creative decisions. Also, a brand new show is announced! 

Sensual Bites

March 25, 2013 19:43 - 30 minutes - 27.6 MB

On this brand new Monday, the heads of the Goovian order have a sit down with Whitney, a producer and character from the fabled web series School of Thrones — which over the past month has taken the interwebs by a literal storm of swords. A tale of charm and angsty plot-lines, SoT has captured the lighter side of the series, paying homage to the existing work and stacks of viral fan favorites. Have a listen, learn more about the creation and creative process, in addition to which fruit cockt...

Made For Each Other

March 22, 2013 22:26 - 32 minutes - 29.6 MB

Another Friday is upon our four heroes as pairs and pairs of hands are warmed graciously by the welcome fires of and those who carry its banner. News is abundant in Westeros as of late, with trailers and talks of stone cold pirates infiltrating the tall walls of our Seven Kingdoms.

The New Alliance

March 20, 2013 22:16 - 31 minutes - 29.1 MB

The time has come to shed public light on a blossomed romance that has come to be within the Game of Thrones Universe. No, this time we do not speak of Brienne and Jamie (with many apologies to the loyal shippers), rather a tale of two communities, swiftly traveling shoulder to shoulder North along the Kingsroad. and Game of Owns have joined together in sacred oath of partnership, promising more and more fun ventures in creating things for the listening organs of us all to...

The Last of Book One

March 18, 2013 20:33 - 38 minutes - 35.4 MB

The time for cheers or tears is here, your four Heroes of GOO have traveled the long field of battle that was A Game of Thrones, first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Talks of the book as a whole have finally reached the show, as we end with Daenerys shifting amidst smoldering heaps of rubble, and riddles of the future.

King in the North

March 15, 2013 19:57 - 26 minutes - 24.7 MB

Another Friday minus one of your four heroes, but returned by a long gone renegade host fresh from travels across the planet. Today marks the penultimate chapter of the months long Game of Owns analysis across this first great tome of Ice and Fire, riddled with riddles of the future and the clapping of hands.

Speak Friend and Enter

March 13, 2013 14:48 - 21 minutes - 19.6 MB

A single ungainly tale of personal injury opens this Wednesday episode starring Selina and Eric, both of whom have survived the mid-week battlecall to bring you this snowy Jon Snow chapter as book one moves closer to its end.

You Are My Son

March 11, 2013 23:44 - 30 minutes - 27.9 MB

On this Monday episode, we learn just how good a listener Tywin Lannister is; the mission in store for Tyrion is not unlike Micah's mission to collect a Game-of-Thrones-themed copy of Sports Illustrated, and Varys works nights in Braavos.

Dragon Lady

March 08, 2013 22:12 - 33 minutes - 30.8 MB

GOO coasts into Friday this week as Dany deals with the loss of her once human now dragon child…or is it? Our chapter-by-chapter look at Book One in this great series draws ever more near to finality, and this particular chapter builds much of a foundation for the pages to come.

Ice Ice Baby

March 06, 2013 19:49 - 32 minutes - 29.9 MB

It's time to hold poor Sansa's hand and lead her to King's Landing's trophy collection, with Joffrey and the Hound as her dates. Good thing we're here to keep the situation from getting out of hand. This is all Robert's fault, anyway.

Da Bears

March 05, 2013 03:36 - 34 minutes - 32 MB

Concurrent with the arrival of a new week, a bundle of bears have appeared before our hosts - by way of a new Season 3 extended trailer, on the Game of Owns: Ascent game for Facebook of which all of our hosts are members, and even in places most unexpected.

Into the Crypt

March 01, 2013 02:34 - 23 minutes - 21.1 MB

Friday hath come, so climb onto the shoulders of your favorite GOO host and explore the massively massive depths that make up the crypts of Winterfell.

So Long, Ned

February 27, 2013 05:26 - 28 minutes - 26.1 MB

Join Eric, Selina, and Zack this Wednesday in saying goodbye to the newly GOO anointed Dad of The Year, Eddard Stark.

The New Trailer

February 26, 2013 01:42 - 37 minutes - 34.4 MB

The time hath approached for HBO's much awaited Game of Thrones Season 3 trailer. Braving the danger of real-time transmission, your GOO heroes perform the first ever live stream and broadcast of the show, handing out a shot by shot analysis of this new slice of Season 3.

The GOO Newsroom

February 23, 2013 01:43 - 34 minutes - 31.2 MB

Celebrate this Friday with your favorite charming chairpeople as they discuss the latest bits of news floating about the Game of Thrones Universe. A brand new handful of Season 2 deleted scenes have graced the interwebs with their presence, in addition to an upcoming original series that places your favorite Thronespeople into the even more treacherous world of high school.

Drogo Park

February 21, 2013 05:10 - 32 minutes - 30.1 MB

Together at last, Game of Owns is back four strong as Dany and Drogo make a quickly unprecented pit stop near some brown grass in the desert, and the questionable Witch Doctor Lady does even more questionably questionable things. Questions? 

GOO Soldier Squad

February 19, 2013 00:54 - 22 minutes - 20.8 MB

Secret oaths of the Solemnly Sworn Soldier Squad have been taken as Robb Stark rides into battle against frenemies and the most beautiful secondhand lion, all on this fateful flavor sealed Monday episode.


February 17, 2013 01:13 - 37 minutes - 34.6 MB

Starting out this weekend on Game of Owns, the possibility and factual hearsay of a brand new Game of Thrones inspired series has inspired Selina, Eric, Zack, Tyrion, and Shagga to head into battle alongside one another.


February 14, 2013 23:16 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

This year's Valentine miracle rests heavily on the shoulders of Eric, Selina, and Zack as they battle shoulder against shoulder alongside Dany and her magical field of witch doctor slave saving servants.

The Boys Are Back

February 14, 2013 03:34 - 29 minutes - 27.3 MB

A single foretold mead-filled weekend has filled this week of GOO with Friday numbering not one, but two. Selina is away hunting Alaskans as Micah, Zack, and Eric keep warm by the fire reserved for Old Bear in his tower, recounting their story of Jon Snow and his burned, bloody bastard sword.

Girl Towers

February 06, 2013 22:22 - 31 minutes - 29 MB

Join the three strong Game of Owns this humpday in an adventure on, off, or around the ever famed and fabled Twins. Walder Frey assumes command of the fate of the realm as he dishes out heaping portions of wisecracks toward the stacks and stacks of offspring littered around his tiny seat and many narrow murder holes.

Cake or Death

February 04, 2013 23:24 - 36 minutes - 33.5 MB

Over the past several weeks, Neddard Stark has found his way deep inside the underground of King's Landing, only to be left alone with himself and a collection of haunting memories. One lone visitor descends and dares to speak his name, also get him drunk for free.

The Desolation of Selmy

February 01, 2013 22:37 - 32 minutes - 30.1 MB

Friday begins three strong as Eric, Selina, and Zack push forward through the snow and debris, heading south for King's Landing. The new king is changing things up, redecorating the throne room and laying off sixty percent of the staff's existing number, only to be replaced with his best of friends. Nepotism, you youu.

Tired Eyes, Late Nights

January 31, 2013 05:12 - 33 minutes - 30.7 MB

The night draws near this one lone Wednesday as our four heroes brave yet another dark and stormy evening, free of all forms of static and precipitation. The chapter discussed in this episode will be remembered as the first Eric would ever meet book Tywin, and for spelling the end to our crossload-like familiarities. 

Cats Eye

January 29, 2013 00:47 - 35 minutes - 32.8 MB

Monday funday begins with talks of weather dominating the minds of our brave hosts, and a mother reuniting with her long lost son (or something like that). Catelyn has joined Robb inside of his now ancient stronghold to discuss the articles of war, in addition to cleaning the dirt from behind his ears (and fixing that annoying cowlick).

Alpha Locks of Air and Hair

January 26, 2013 00:05 - 26 minutes - 23.8 MB

Your favorite quartet of noble miscreants end the week with sizzling bits of flavor sprinkled inside of crates and casks of the finest Dornish vintage, and also find time for continual discussioning along the first collection of chapters in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Thank George It's Friday.


January 25, 2013 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.9 MB

GOO turns 50 this Thursday as our four hosts dive once again into A Game of Thrones, continuing their chapter-by-chapter conversationing of the literary backbone that is Game of Thrones. Robb begins to leave Bran in charge of Winterfell, deeming his basketcased compadre Hodor fit for storming about the keep and leading the peoples in this time of great peril.

In Transition

January 23, 2013 22:35 - 28 minutes - 26 MB

Game of Owns is back, sledding into 2013 with the frosty chill of winter gnawing slowly at the backs of our four heroes. Listen as the cast reunite and discuss brand new videos surrounding the impending release of Game of Thrones season 3, and much much more.

Night’s Watch (Before Christmas)

December 24, 2012 22:14 - 8 minutes - 7.68 MB

The GOO cast sends their warmest holiday wishes, including a listener-requested Game of Thrones version of "Twas The Night Before Christmas," read by Micah. Happy holidays and Happy New Year! The Owns will resume in 2013...

In Production

December 15, 2012 18:10 - 28 minutes - 26.3 MB

Today's casual Friday episode focuses mostly on the "Season 3: In Production" video featuring interviews and footage from the tertiary season of our favorite HBO show. Selina and Micah are more forthcoming than they usually are regarding some of the events that pertain to later "Song of Ice and Fire" books, so listener beware! Responses to our holiday challenges from earlier in the week are also read live.

Westeros Rock

December 12, 2012 23:06 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

In today’s GOO, we invent Westeros Rock and invite you all to submit your best band names! We then move beyond the Wall with Jon Snow as the first battle in the Ice versus Fire war is fought, and begin filling up our Christmas tree with the decorations you have submitted to us.

Queen Bitch

December 11, 2012 10:05 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

It doesn't take a trip to the Wall for our fearless hosts to feel the winds of Winter on their backs, and so they begin to decorate their Game of Owns Christmas tree. Was King Robert the Chris Kringle of King's Landing? Now that he's gone, Queen Cersei summons our heroine Sansa Stark from her tower chamber, Jeyne Poole is given a choice between cake or death (or very similar), and the terrifying trinity of Cersei, Petyr and Varys show us just how far they will go achieve their ends.


December 10, 2012 18:04 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

As the week draws to a close, the swordsmen of Game of Owns fight on through the weary battle toward what is hoped to be an everlasting weekend, riddled with bodies of the men of the North. Arya is fleeing an interrupted dancing lesson as she comes face to face with real mortal peril, only to be saved by hiding once where she was most frightened. It’s Friday on GOO, cheers to a great weekend.

The Last Breakfast

December 06, 2012 22:47 - 32 minutes - 29.9 MB

The end of Ned Stark's gameless streak has finally reached the podcast as Eric, Zack, and Micah meet once again to share predictions on his future, the future of the realm, and the future of our Planet Earth.

Film Class

December 04, 2012 22:45 - 33 minutes - 31 MB

It's just the boys this week as Eric, Micah, and Zack dive into an Owns only episode on this fine weekday. Gentlemen's Quarterly magazine recently highlighted the fabled Game of Thrones Blackwater episode with a splendid article and interview, Season 3 has a new in-depth production video, and Seinfield meets Game of Thrones — only on GOO.

An Abundance of Wine

November 30, 2012 20:47 - 22 minutes - 20.7 MB

In true GOO fashion, your four hosts celebrate alongside The NIght's Watch in commemoration of a new graduating class, and the first appearance of the North's Sorting Hat.

Boar House

November 28, 2012 22:37 - 34 minutes - 31.8 MB

The good King Robert has been ridden to his bed once again, but not for recreational purposes. No, the brutal assault from Eric's prized pageant boar has left our leader in shambles, and Ned Stark must now carry the future of Westeros.

Underneath the Big Top

November 26, 2012 22:19 - 25 minutes - 23.5 MB

Join Daenerys Targaryen and her big brother as they get into all kinds of hijinx this Monday, including but not limited to: drinking spoiled milk, consuming a stallion's warm, still beating heart — and enjoying a shower of molten golden coins.


November 24, 2012 01:17 - 39 minutes - 36.6 MB

Within four stacks of mattress materials, Game of Owns is back this Friday with another chapter forward in A Game of Thrones, visiting in with Neddard Stark as he resists the womanly advances of the ever beautiful Queen.

Girl Talk

November 21, 2012 22:19 - 31 minutes - 29 MB

Hump day this week was crafted in the fires of a dragon jaw to bring you Selina, Eric, Zack, and Micah's joyous readings of the next chapter in the Game of Owns read through of A Game of Thrones. Arya, Sansa, and Septa share a conversation that reaches volcanic temperatures, forcing the both of them to be sent to the Principle's Office.

Micah's Back, Bitch

November 19, 2012 23:44 - 33 minutes - 30.7 MB

The temptest subsides this Monday as the heroes four reunite once again in full force to press onward in book one, A Game of Thrones. Ned Stark sits atop the throne in the midst of his questionable physical condition to declare injustice for the good of the suburban people.

Second Breakfast

November 15, 2012 23:14 - 23 minutes - 21.1 MB

Eric and Zack make their way across the High Road with Tyrion and Bronn, sharing short stories along the way.


November 13, 2012 22:54 - 25 minutes - 23.5 MB

In the wake of Hodor Week, Eric and Zack meet to piece apart Jon Snow's rendezvous with Maester Aemon Targaryen and the woundrously amazing Chett. It's back to the books today on Game of Owns.

Kristian Nairn Interview Part 3

November 10, 2012 02:57 - 24 minutes - 22.7 MB

In this final edition and closing of Hodor Week, Kristian and the GOO hosts piece apart recipes of Thrones' dynamic and mass appeal — in addition to diving further into the upcoming Season 3 and his past, present, and future in the career of acting.

Kristian Nairn Interview Part 2

November 09, 2012 00:51 - 20 minutes - 19.1 MB

Silver of hair? In this second part of Kristian Nairn's first visit to the show, the future of his character Hodor is theorized alongside the GOO cast in addition to answering an entire wheelbarrow full of your listener submitted questions. 

Kristian Nairn Interview Part 1

November 08, 2012 00:21 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

Fresh after an intense mid-week DJ session, Hodor himself joins Eric, Zack, and Selina on the show and talks some about the early days just before being casted for the HBO series and beyond.


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A Clash of Kings
1 Episode

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