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Stone is the lead designer for Riot Games, has worked in the game industry for over 15 years on games such as SimCity, Spore, and Diablo 3. He also teaches game design courses at Carnegie Mellon University’s ETC program which stands for Entertainment Technology Center. And he runs design seminars around the world.

Stone brought up a great point which is that a great game designer doesn't need a computer to create game designs. You could use your imagination and use your surroundings. Use your pen to draw or use the objects around you as references. The point is to always be creating. Don't let the tools be your excuse to not think of designs.

Sponsored Giveaway:

I am doing a giveaway sponsored by Game Dev Underground, a marketing and connection platform for indie developers that helps you build, finish and launch better games. The winner gets a 1-hour long indie game marketing consultation with the founder, Tim Ruswick. This is over $1,000 in value, and it can be yours! All you have to do is send proof that you rated and reviewed the podcast. Click here to enter the giveaway.