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Benjamin is a civic media scholar and game designer at American University. Previously, he co-founded Games for Change, the movement hub for advancing social change with games. He was also the program officer at MacArthur Foundation which launched a learning initiative to help determine how digital technologies are changing the way young people act. Games have become a great way to socialize. It can be used to meet new people, break the ice, and in the case with Pokemon Go, go out and find Pokemon together as a community. Benjamin explains how games can be great for civic life.

Sponsored Giveaway:

I am doing a giveaway sponsored by Game Dev Underground, a marketing and connection platform for indie developers that helps you build, finish and launch better games. The winner gets a 1-hour long indie game marketing consultation with the founder, Tim Ruswick. This is over $1,000 in value, and it can be yours! All you have to do is send proof that you rated and reviewed the podcast. Click here to enter the giveaway.