Explore the East End Lagoon! 

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Notable Resources for the Nature Trail!
Audubon Society : https://www.audubon.org/#

Donate to the East End Lagoon Nature Park and Preserve : http://www.eastendlagoon.org/support

Nature Photography at the East End Lagoon
"I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them."- Diane Arbus

The east end lagoon nature trail is a perfect venue for nature photography. Yet, it helps to know when and how to use this venue. Great pictures are not accidental, and we want to help you take advantage of what the trail has to offer.

On Galveston Island, the sun rises over the Gulf and sets over the Bay. The best time for photography along the trail is sunrise and sunset. take advantage of "Golden Hour," that period before sunset when daylight is redder and softer than when the sun is higher in the sky. The trails run east to west, so position yourself so that you can photograph with the sun at your back during the Golden Hour.

Birds are forced to roost during high tides. When the tide drops, they swarm to the exposed sand and mud.

Also, remember that birds are most active in the early morning. Many of the most photogenic birds such as herons, egrets, spoonbills, and pelicans are most active when feeding at sunrise. So, get out of bed and out to the Trail!

Macro Photography
Many of the animals and plants along the trail are small. A normal lens will not do them justice. Using a macro lens, you will be able to photograph the most miniscule insect or diminutive flower.

Telephoto Photography
Birds are wary, and they will startle and fly before you can photograph them with a normal lens. You need a telephoto or a zoom lens that will magnify the subject (i.e., the bird) from a distance. Dress subtly (not bright colors) and stay silent along the Trail. in the early morning birds are focused on feeding, and with a little practice you will be able to approach them for that perfect photograph!

Nature photography Ethics
Always remember that the subject and the habitat are more important than the photograph. Always show respect and consideration for the environment, for the photographic subjects, as well as for other people who are using the Trail. Please stay on the designated pathways. Thanks!

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