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Tour with Spotify:
πŸ‘‚Listen: 1877 Tall Ship Elissa
πŸ‘‚Listen: East End Historical District
πŸ‘‚Listen: Texas Heroes Monument
πŸ‘‚Listen: Quick History of Galveston
πŸ‘‚Listen: The Strand
πŸ‘‚Listen: Pier 21
πŸ‘‚Listen: Port of Galveston

This episode is a quick story from Doug McLean on the fabrication of the 1877 Tall Ship Elissa figurehead during the restoration process.

Interested in information covered in this episode? Dive deeper into the links below! :
ElissaΒ  :

Video story on the Elissa coming to Galveston :

Full Conversation with Doug McClean - Spotify:Β

Photos & story of the the model for the Elissa Figurehead:

Key Words: Galveston, Texas, History, Island, Beach, cruise, cruise ship, vacation, Henry Rosenberg, Fountains, East End Historic District, Strand, Seawall, Bolivar, Houston, Audio Tour, Audio Guide, Free Tour, Free in Galveston, Pier 21, Port of Galveston, Pelican Island, Elissa, State Tall Ship of Texas, Figurehead, sailing, sailboat, historical. Guide, Free Tour, Free in Galveston, Galveston Guide, Port of Galveston, Emancipation, Juneteenth, Spanish, Bernardo De Galvez, sandbar, capitol of Texas, Texas Podcast, Texas History Podcast

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