Despite recent investments into monitoring at all levels of sports, the injury reductions and performance improvements promised have failed to materialize. Why is that? On this episode of the GAINcast Aaron Coutts and Franco Impellizzeri from the University of Technology Sydney dive into all aspects of the science of monitoring: why we monitor, technology, loading, metrics, fatigue, overtraining, subjective measures, planning, and more.

For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at:

The following links were referenced in the podcast or provide some additional reading material on the topic:

GAIN 2020 has shifted online, with a monthly interactive master class series. Learn more and sign up now. GAIN Alumni can also get access to all events by renewing their membership. The GAINcast is also sponsored by HMMR Media. Join HMMR Media to get access to a vast library of online training resources, video, articles, podcasts, and more. The Univeristy of Technology Sydney webpage includes more information about the backgrounds of Coutts and Impellizzeri. You can also find much of their research on Research Gate (Coutts and Impellizzeri) such as their recent article Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio: Conceptual Issues and Fundamental Pitfalls. You can also reach out to both on Twitter: @francoimpell and @aaronjcoutts.

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