When it comes down to it, coaching really is just teaching in a different setting. Educational consultant Doug Lemov has helped the teaching profession rethink how it can best educate students. Now he is turning his attention to coaches to see how coaches can improve their teaching abilities. He joins this week's GAINcast to discuss key principles of good teaching that can help us improve our effectiveness as coaches.

For more information on this topic, read the complete show notes at: http://www.hmmrmedia.com/2020/06/gaincast-episode-191-teaching-better-with-doug-lemov/

The following links were referenced in the podcast or provide some additional reading material on the topic:

GAIN 2020 has shifted online, with a monthly interactive master class series. Learn more and sign up now. GAIN Alumni can also get access to all events by renewing their membership. The GAINcast is also sponsored by HMMR Media. Join HMMR Media to get access to a vast library of online training resources, video, articles, podcasts, and more. You can learn more from Lemov in his books Teach Like a Champion and Practice Perfect. You can also follow him on Twitter (@Doug_Lemov). Lemov also has additional resources and a blog on his website teachlikeachampion.com.

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