We need our CSM's to become more "strategic".

(What that really means, no one will ever know)

BUT, here's an easy way to *start*...

Coaching your CSMs to get better at asking open-ended questions AND listening.

Open-ended questions often begin with words such as "Why" and "How."

Or they can use phrases such as "Tell me about..."

💩 Did you accomplish your goals in Q1 2020?
➡️ Tell me more about your goals from Q1 2020...

💩 Has your business been affected by the recent recession concerns?
➡️ What adjustments have been made to your business due to the recent recession concerns?

💩 Do you have an executive sponsor for this project?
➡️ How are you engaging with your leadership team around this project?

This is a small change.

But you need to start small and build momentum.

What other open-ended questions should we be asking our customers?


Gain Grow Retain exists to connect people, knowledge, and ideas to advance the state of customer success.

We're on a mission to connect B2B SaaS customer success leaders so that we can learn from one another. Check out more at GainGrowRetain.com! Or follow our GGR LinkedIn page.

GGR was co-founded by Jeff Breunsbach and Jay Nathan - be sure to follow for customer success content.