COVID may have knocked the travel industry down in 2020, but it’s back – and it’s gone online like gangbusters.

From first-time to seasoned ecommerce customers, more and more people are flying and buying using apps and websites. And the trajectory is upward. The industry is expected to see tremendous growth through 2025 with nearly three-quarters of revenue coming from online sales.

Great news, right? It is … if airline and travel businesses are prepared to handle the swath of fraud attempts that have already begun to plague the industry.

The problem is that this type of fraud is tricky to identify. Simple fraud filters won’t be as effective because the data that travel companies use as identifiers are mostly based on names — and not information like address, phone or email. That opens a world of opportunity for fraudsters. Companies in this industry need to understand how to detect and prevent online fraud if they want to survive.

In this episode of Gateway to Ecommerce, Rafael Lourenco, Executive Vice-President at ClearSale and Faye McEachern, Director of Partners at ClearSale narrate an inside look at how fraudsters tap into the airline and travel industry.