It’s hard to deny that pharmaceutical companies have played a big role in extending people’s lives through the production of new drugs, but that doesn’t mean the processes they use to produce those drugs have been perfected, or that the drugs they put out are without risk. The fact that nearly 300 people in the US will die today as a result of adverse drug reactions is a testament to this. So, what exactly is going wrong?

Dr. Martin Dawes, MD, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of GenXys joins the podcast to answer this question and explain what GenXys is doing about the problem. He explains the drawbacks of randomly-controlled drug trials (the gold standard for getting market approval for drugs), which include the fact that they are extremely expensive, confined to limited selections of study subjects, and vulnerable to improper data interpretation leading to erroneous conclusions that don’t apply on an individual level. Dr. Dawes also explains how choosing and prescribing medications currently works, how it should work, and how their prescribing software goes far beyond just correcting the problems with current drug interaction software programs. By keeping the individual patient’s medical history, current prescriptions, risk factors, and all other clinically-relevant information at the forefront of any conversation about prescribing a new drug, and by implementing software that guarantees this, lives will not only be improved, but saved.

Tune in for all the details and visit <a href=""></a> to learn more.