If you were to zoom in super closely on a bacterial flagellum—a tail-like structure that provides movement to bacteria—you would see that this feature is astoundingly similar to a boat’s motor in its components and function. It consists of a tiny propeller, a drive shaft connecting the propeller to the motor, clamps to hold the motor to the cell membrane as it turns, a mechanism to turn the motor via flow of acids, and dozens of other tiny mechanical parts. According to Michael Behe, this example of “purposeful arrangement of parts” is hallmark to design. Behe is a PhD, author, and professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University who focuses primarily on the evolution of complex biochemical systems.

He believes that at the very foundational level of life, things are elegant and incredibly complex—so much so that Darwin’s theory of evolution can’t adequately explain them. In this episode, Behe shares with us a bit of his findings after decades of researching Darwinism, biochemistry, and intelligent design.

Listen in to learn more. Be sure to check out his books- Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism, and Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution.