In this podcast, Samantha “Sam” Bond, Certified Medical Illustrator and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago, talks about the exciting, emerging field of medical game development.

Bond is a prolific, in-demand medical illustrator, as well as a Unity developer/interactive designer. Bond holds a Master's of Science in Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Scientific Illustration from the University of Georgia.

Bond provides an overview of the exciting new medical game field, and she explains how these interesting games can educate about medicine and healthcare issues, while keeping it fun. She talks about the varying markets for this gaming tech, from extremely technical games designed specifically for neurosurgery residents, and games for the rest of us who just want to educate ourselves more about health and wellness. The game types are wide and varied, from general anatomy to vaccines, and designed for a large and diverse cross section of the population.

By utilizing the fun of games, Bond explains that they can be an amazing tool to educate the public, and medical professionals as well who need to stay sharp. Wrapping up, Bond talks about the immense success of their immunity and vaccination games and how they are increasing learning and raising the level of medical understanding.