Vitor Santo thinks about what you eat; in fact you might just say he is obsessed with it. Santo, senior scientist at JUST (<a href=""></a>), delivers an informative overview of the benefits of sustainable foods.

Santo talks about the exciting things they are doing at JUST, a successful sustainable food company. JUST has devised an ingenious way to utilize healthy plant-based proteins to create nutritious and cruelty-free foods—foods that taste good and do good. Sustainability is the core of what they do at JUST.

Santo talks about the alternative protein revolution that is upon us, and offers some insight into the rise of clean meats. He delivers an overview of the interesting process science has used to collect animal cells and feed them plant protein to create a viable, healthy, cruelty-free meat. Meat, as Santo states, doesn’t have to create an ethical issue, as the future of meat is going to be more focused on clean meats that do not take the lives of the other species existing on our beautiful planet. Additionally, he covers factory farming’s incredible, and disturbing, contribution to carbon emissions and also water consumption. He talks extensively about the future of JUST and his hope to provide access to quality, sustainable, ethical animal proteins that everyone can afford.