“It’s so common that a person has something else going on…if the doctor is just looking at TSH [thyroid stimulating hormone], they’re not seeing the whole picture and they’re not knowing if the thyroid hormone is actually getting inside the cell…and usually they end up with some kind of misdiagnosis,” says Dr. Zana Carver, who not only has academic and research experience with thyroid problems, but a personal story to go along with it: when she was diagnosed with a goiter, she had no idea that it would eventually lead to a diagnosis of thyroid cancer, and a consequent surgery to remove her entire thyroid. 

Dr. Carver has had a tremendous roller-coaster of experience with the aftermath of that surgery, and joins the podcast to discuss her experience on and off TSH suppression therapy, and what she’s learned about the importance of education and awareness when it comes to addressing thyroid problems. 

Tune in for all the details, find her book on Amazon, and visit <a href="http://thyroidcode.org/" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://thyroidcode.org&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1562649356585000&amp;usg=AFQjCNFjm0BEGstSqDDFcMOU572V1UTXlA">thyroidcode.org</a>.