Burnout: it’s a word most people use casually, and a condition not taken very seriously, or else blamed on the person who claims to experience it. But very recently, the World Health Organization has listed it as a medical syndrome, which might start to change the way our culture views this modern-day phenomenon. So, what exactly is burnout? According to Kathryn Fantauzzi, burnout can be characterized as a multitude of things, including exhaustion, the inability to concentrate or complete tasks, disengagement from the environment, and the inability to sleep. To describe it another way, burnout is a state of chronic stress that can lead to serious short and long-term consequences for our health—not to mention sap the quality and joy of our lives.  

As the CEO and co-founder of Apollo, Fantauzzi has been on a mission to develop a solution to this problem. Apollo’s technology is a software platform, mobile application, and wearable device that sends vibrations through the body which send the brain a signal of safety. Fantauzzi explains that the vibrations create and amplify the same benefits that mindfulness, meditation, and other relaxation practices bring, but without requiring the user to do a thing. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded by new emails, text messages, phone calls, and the expectations and responsibilities tied to them all, it might make sense to have a solution that’s quite literally tied to our ankles (or wrists) like the wearable Apollo device. Fantauzzi makes for an interesting and exciting conversation, reporting on the results from clinical studies using the Apollo technology, explaining the features built in to the app that might eliminate your need for an alarm clock, discussing the importance of heart rate variability and how this technology can help you improve yours over time, and describing how the app will use biometric data to curate every user’s experience. 

Press play for more, and check out <a href="https://apolloneuro.com/">https://apolloneuro.com/</a>.