If you’ve ever ridden a motorcycle, you might understand all too well the drawbacks of the helmet—it makes it hard to see, hard to hear, and feels very insulating. The team at Jarvish set out to improve this while keeping safety as their top priority. They’ve used traditional motorcycle helmets as their starting point, adding a high-resolution front camera for greater visibility in foggy or rainy weather, a sensor and alert system for detecting accidents and contacting an ambulance and next of kin, biosensors to detect the rider’s heart rate and other vitals which may indicate an impending medical emergency, and a crystal-clear sound system. The team at Jarvish has trained their AI to analyze videos and identify objects or vehicles obscured from the rider’s line of sight, as well as remove raindrops from videos and penetrate foggy conditions. All of this data is then analyzed and sent back to the rider warning them of dangers on the road ahead. It’s the world’s first truly smart motorcycle helmet, and it has the ability to save lives.

Jeremy Lu is the CEO of Jarvish and he joins the podcast to discuss all the details of this technology, how they are allowing for comfort customization of their helmets, what’s in store for them over the next year, and how their technology could be implemented in all types of helmets—bicycle, industrial, police, military, and even space helmets.

Previous press kit with most of the content, and below is the most updated crowdfunding prices and new updates: 

- a NASA iTech Finalist (2019) 

- Partnering with Qualcomm for its X-AR helmet.

- JARVISH Tron Electric Helmet: 

The brand just launched an awesome helmet design for the X and X-AR range. The JARVISH Tron Electric Helmet with LED strips, will certainly make riders stand out on the road. Current backers have the option to upgrade their pledges to this design. The LED light could be controlled by voice command or app. 

- secured over $420K in funding on Kickstarter and have continued their funding on Indiegogo.

-Discounted prices on Indiegogo campaign:






The X-AR and X models have been designed with a range of technology integrations, such as voice control, noise cancellation, built-in memory to give riders a safer, more enjoyable on-road experience. The X-AR also includes an AR-powered head-up display (HUD) for riders who prefer visual instructions. 

Press play for more information, reach out with questions via [email protected], and visit <a href="http://www.jarvish.com">www.jarvish.com</a>.