Samantha “Sam” Bond is a Certified Medical Illustrator and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago. In this podcast, Bond discusses her work, and her excitement about illustration, medical game development, and much more.

Sam Bond wears many diverse hats in the business world. She is a successful medical illustrator, Unity developer, and innovative interactive designer. In 2016, Bond graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a Master's of Science in Biomedical Visualization (BVIS). She is an Atlanta, Georgia native and proudly attended the University of Georgia where she received a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Scientific Illustration.

Bond talks about her background and journey. She enthusiastically explains the emerging medical game field, and how these beneficial games can educate people about medicine and healthcare. She discusses the wide audience for select games, from technical games designed for neurosurgery residents, and more general games for the average person who wants to learn more about health. From general anatomy to vaccines, the topics are wide and varied, for a seemingly unending receptive audience of diverse inquisitive minds. By using the power, and fun, of games, Bond explains that gaming can be a great tool to educate and inform.

The medical gaming technology guru talks about some of the institutions that are interested in utilizing this groundbreaking platform. From companies that focus on surgical training and beyond, the need is clearly real. Bond talks about the success of the immunity and vaccination games and how they are changing the way we learn.