Adam Brown, the author of Bright Spots & Landmines, shares his thoughts on managing diabetes in a modern world. 

Adam doesn’t just write about diabetes, he has firsthand experience—16 years in fact—from his personal life, living with and managing his diabetes. His popular book, Bright Spots & Landmines, is a must-read for anyone who seeks to properly manage their diabetes, or for those who have loved ones dealing with diabetes and simply want a better understanding. The book provides useful information and diabetes tips. It answers questions that many have when they embark on their diabetes management journey, from what foods one should eat to reduce or minimize blood sugar shifts, how to handle stress, and how to improve sleep quality and exercise performance. 

Adam discusses his life before and after, as he talks about his diagnosis in 2001 with type 1 diabetes. He shares his experiences dealing with diabetes, and highlights some impactful moments that occurred during his college years upon discovering bodybuilding; he was intrigued by the intense monitoring and tracking that many bodybuilders rely upon to regulate their body’s performance and overall health. After taking some nutrition classes he came to realize that eating is one of the most important tools that can help manage diabetes. 

The diabetes writer discusses continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), which is a method that can be used to track glucose levels all through the day and night. CGM systems can take important glucose measurements at consistent intervals around the clock, and translate those readings into actionable data, as it generates glucose direction as well as the rate of change reports, to help manage diabetes optimally. Adams explains how CGM users can take a more proactive approach, and manage their glucose highs and lows, as well as get a better understanding of how food and exercise are affecting their body chemistry.

Adam discusses fasting and time-restricted eating, as well as other issues often discussed in the diabetes community. And he details some of the CGM devices that are on the horizon, smaller and less expensive, making body monitoring even easier for individuals with diabetes.

Adam is a senior editor with diaTribe, an online community for those with diabetes, and his column, “Adam’s Corner,” is a popular feature of the site that offers truly amazing diabetes tips to many people across the globe. In his column, he shares a wealth of knowledge on mindset, foods, exercise, and strategies for getting better sleep—all of which have helped him live a fuller, healthier life as he manages his diabetes effectively.