Kochava is an advertising measurement and analytics platform that was created six years ago that helps advertising agencies get a better picture of where their best advertising ROIs are coming from, and has clients that include NBC, CBS, Disney, various gaming brands, and more. Over the next year, Kochava plans to launch XCHNG, an advertising platform and open-source market for the digital advertising ecosystem, built with a blockchain framework.
Use of the blockchain will help solve the current problem of the splintered supply chain, which will increase efficiency and ROI for advertisers. A token sale will be starting shortly, with tokens being used to provide an incentive to for users to hold a stake in the platform, as well as to buy and sell advertising content. In order to keep in compliance with ever-changing regulations, the coin will be done as SAFT and will be fully AML/KYC complaint.
The platform is set to go live at the end of 2018/beginning of 2019, but those who monetize ads can sign up for the On XCHNG Program, which will allow for their inventory to be integrated with the platform as early as June/July 2018. Kochava and XCHNG will be at the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Blockchain Superconference in Dallas, Texas February 16-18.
For more information, visit www.xchng.io.