Propellant Media, a digital marketing and media solutions provider, is helping clients maximize lead potential with the newest wave of target marketing – geofencing technology.
Geofencing technology, or location based advertising, allows users to pinpoint target audiences based on precise locations. Sounds invasive? Think again. Justin Croxton, Director of Sales at Propellant Media, explains why this is an acceptable and widely sought after marketing technique.
Croxton shares how doctors, political organizations, trade associations and even non-profits are using geofencing to capture their audience. The way it works: A virtual geofence is drawn around a location where an advertiser wants to build an audience based on their visit to that particular location (think hospital, tradeshow, etc). This can be narrowed down to a set, scheduled timeframe. When people enter that place of business/certain location they are then part of an audience that can be targeted. As the “target” visits apps on his or her phone or is on the internet they will begin to see ads related to the advertiser.
Geofencing is the type of innovative tool taking targeted marketing to the next level.
Specializing in new media production, creative direction, and outside-the-box thinking, Propellant is a leader in niche marketing specialist. To get in contact and learn more, visit