Regulation and compliance are some of the biggest issues in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space right now, particularly in light of the rapidly changing regulatory landscape. Just this week, the SEC chairman presented written and in-person testimony on these issues to the Senate Banking Committee, and Lewis discusses with us what it means, especially when the tone of the written testimony seemed to differ quite a bit from the tone of his in-person testimony.
Overall, Lewis believes that the differences can be taken to mean that while the SEC believes in the economic potential of this new space, they want to make it clear that they will not stand for fraudulent schemes and bad actors.
Rather than shy away from such areas, Hogan Lovells is embracing this new area of law, and are dedicated to bringing their decades of experience in securities laws to their clients in this new and exciting space. Lewis also discusses what he sees as the future of blockchain and ICOs from an attorney's perspective, as well as what he sees as major use cases of this technology.
To chat with Lewis directly, email him at [email protected] or find him on Twitter at @NYcryptolawyer.