Kenneth got his start with Hercules Tech after college, where he majored in mathematics and became fascinated by cryptography and its practical applications. He found cryptocurrency and blockchain, and hasn't looked back.
Because the cryptospace is both volatile and has a lot of opportunity for those who are involved, Hercules Tech analyzes current technology to find the important and valuable metrics for making smart investing decisions, primarily for hedge funds, traders, and existing equities funds. Kenneth discusses his concerns on previous Bitcoin runs, driven by momentum and the multiple articles written by major news organizations on a daily basis.
He believes that watching the communications from, but not taking part in, pump-and-dumps can be valuable for new investors, as it can show investors that others may be trading on information that you don't have, and ultimately make investors pause and think twice about their actions in this space.
Kenneth also discusses his thoughts on Tether, and where to find great resources for new investors and other interested parties.