Doron Pinhas, the visionary chief technology officer of Continuity Software (, provides a detailed overview of the constantly evolving IT world and explains why businesses and entities need to ensure that their computing services function properly 24/7. For in today’s demanding tech world, people have high expectations and accept no excuses.

Since 2005, Pinhas has helped lead Continuity Software as its innovative CTO. Pinhas has more than 17 years of extensive experience in the future-forward, exciting areas of data and storage management, operating system design and development, real-time applications, and open system and networking architecture definition. Notable past experience on his impressive resume includes significant time as chief operating officer at Xpert Integrated Systems LTD., a leading Israeli SI. While at Xpert Integrated Systems LTD., Pinhas was instrumental in the development and formation of the Business Continuity Solutions division. Additionally, Pinhas is a veteran of the Israeli Defense Force where for 10 years he served as senior product developer and system architect.

Pinhas discusses Continuity Software’s mission: to help large enterprises provide 24/7 computing services. The company is comprised of a team of IT infrastructure and data protection experts who have the essential skills to help companies prevent unplanned IT outages across their entire IT infrastructure, including high availability, cloud, and disaster recovery environments.

Pinhas details the specifics of computing services, and the problems enterprises and companies face. With over 400 clients worldwide, all of which are Fortune 500, or equivalent, it’s clear that Pinhas and his team are providing value. He recounts how large entities have literally tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of servers globally, and how it is becoming more and more challenging for them to keep up and maintain their services as they grow exponentially. Continuity Software is a proven leader in IT Resilience & Service Availability Assurance. Their award-winning solution enables IT teams to take control, and prevent infrastructure outages and detrimental data loss incidents. Getting ahead of the curve in regard to early, active detection of IT resiliency risks allows enterprises/companies, etc. to mitigate their exposed risk via remediation of configuration errors and deviations from policies— before the problems become problems, and before they become potentially costly issues.

Pinhas provides examples of many companies’ services, outages, etc. that can be devastating problems in a 24/7 demand society. As people and customers in general are more connected, Pinhas explains that service delays and outages are simply no longer acceptable. Today, a large volume of social media complaints can sometimes even elicit direct comments from a CEO, also via social media, to explain, apologize, etc; whereas in our recent past not so many years ago, as a society, we were much more forgiving of these issues. Those days are long gone.

With millions of moving parts and thousands of servers, Pinhas explains that testing and redundancy in IT is extremely involved and important. He outlines a handful of the types of problems that could arise due to failures and system errors, as well as power outages, etc. However, according to Pinhas, there are many ways to intelligently circumvent these failures by improving resiliency and redundancy every step of the way in the entire system, and Pinhas’s team works to help clients modernize their IT systems. From server updates to software upgrades, and so much more, Pinhas explains that although the problems are complex, they are not insurmountable. With proper management, it is entirely possible to maintain order and control quality.