Fred Jin is the Founder and CEO of the BitLearn Network, a new incentive-based learning system with the mission to empower kids to learn and earn toward their future education. This networked solution is powered by the BitLearn Token (BLB), where students unlock token rewards toward microsavings through self-directed learning.
Previously, Fred co-founded social gaming company 50 Cubes (Tencent-backed, multi-million revenue), and held key development and product positions in social media (Bebo), media network (Glam), as well as other mobile/enterprise startups in Silicon Valley since 1997.
Fred himself is a first-generation immigrant who struggled with the rising cost of college education, which drove him to build BitLearn. He is fascinated with applying gaming to learning and created the network to provide a tokenized model for college savings, teaching students financial literacy, planning, and responsibility at an early age.