Kevin Lee, Digital Trust and Safety Architect at Sift (, talks about his company and their mission.

As the Trust and Safety Architect at Sift Science, Lee is very involved in Sift’s core mission—securing trust and safety for the digital age. Lee is skilled in building high-performing teams and systems that will combat suspicious and malicious behaviors. Before bringing his expertise to Sift, Lee was a manager at Facebook, Square, and Google in roles pertaining to risk, and spam, as well as trust and safety.

Lee discusses how Sift started out in the payment fraud area, using machine learning and other technologies to outsmart fraudsters. Today, they are focused heavily on digital trust and safety issues. Lee explains the mechanics of their solutions, and he cites specific examples of client work, from Airbnb, Twitter, and others, helping to stop data breaches and fraud. He explains how ‘bad actors’ take over accounts and the kinds of malicious acts they try to implement.

Lee discusses some of the e-commerce sites that they offer protections for, and how attacks against them are designed. Continuing, Lee explains some of the signs they look for that could indicate fraud is potentially happening. He talks about iPhone fraud attempts, and the telltale signs of fraud that they see in that platform/family versus android. From account take over to trolling and financial fraud, Lee explains some of the most current problems businesses are combatting. As he states, in account take over scenarios, often trust is destroyed, which could result in the loss of customers and clients.

Wrapping up, Lee explains how easy it is to get started with Sift and the protections that companies can take advantage of right away. As digital disrupters, Sift is innovating daily, taking its position as a leader in the digital security space.