We are not trying to replicate TV or create an experience that takes you away from TV, we are trying to make TV better by making it social,” says Fabrizio Capobianco, CEO of TOKtv. Television started out as a social activity, but for a number of reasons, including easy access to entertainment via mobile devices, many people these days are experiencing television alone. But for Fabrizio Capobianco, the social aspect of watching sports is vital to the experience of watching sports as a whole...and the 32 million users who have joined the TOKtv network seem to agree. 

Created in 2012, TOKtv is the world’s largest social network in sports and has partnerships with the biggest football clubs in Europe. The TOKtv app allows people to connect with friends and fellow fans via a voice platform, take pictures with their friends as if they were sitting side-by-side in the stadium, and broadcast videos of themselves by simply shaking the mobile device--perfect for celebrating a goal. 

The app also helps sponsors activate relationships with fans through chat boxes and monthly voting contests. For example, sponsored monthly voting contests that used Twitter as the voting platform saw about 60 votes per month; using the TOKtv platform, sponsors saw closer to 20,000 votes per month--a true testament to the engagement of the TOKtv community. 

Tune in to learn more.