HealthTap was founded about eight years ago with the goal of improving the accessibility of quality healthcare advice, guidance, and the right type of medical care at the right time. With more and more people turning to their mobile devices and an increasing reliance on social media these days, what better platform for a healthcare resource than a mobile application? As the co-founder of HealthTap, Dr. Geoff Rutledge figured there wasn't one, and he's been delighted with the progress and success that he's seen so far. 

HealthTap allows anyone who has a question about their health to immediately receive an answer pulled from the largest library of content from doctors. And if a user has a new or unique question, they can simply submit it and receive a tailored response from a physician within a matter of a few hours--all at no cost. To date, over six billion answers have been provided by doctors via HealthTap.  

Do you need to go to the ER? Should you schedule an appointment with your primary doctor tomorrow? Or would you be better served by scheduling an appointment with a specialist in a few weeks? Many of us find ourselves asking these questions, and until now, not everyone has had a way of getting a quick and reliable answer. And this is just the first level of guidance provided by HealthTap; once a user has been directed to the right level of care, HealthTap will guide them through the process of actually receiving that care.

With over 140,000 doctors signed up on the HealthTap platform and several on call in 47 states, users can find some peace of mind in knowing that with the tap of a button, they can speak with a physician in less than one minute. This is unlike anything that’s been done before and holds great promise for patients and the healthcare industry in general--not just in this country, but around the world. Tune in and visit to learn more.