Statistics show that crime, especially violent crime, is hyper concentrated within certain times, places and people. Just look at these stats:
90-95 % of homicides take place in less than 2% of the street addresses in any area.
Half of all crimes occur within the same 10 hours of every week.
5% or less of the population in any given area is responsible for 90% of crime that happens there.
Is there a way to leverage this data to prevent crime? Robert Muggah thinks so.
Listen in to hear him explain how technology is revolutionizing the world’s policing systems.
Here’s a sampling of what you’ll learn from the show:

* How one technology reduced police response time in Brazil from 14 days after a crime had taken place to 20 minutes after it was reported
* What hot spot policing is and why it’s important
* What the controversial “hotlist algorithm” is and the ethical questions it’s raising

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