We sit down with Brian Feldman, a State Senator who represents District 15 in Maryland. Brian is also a CPA, so he brings a lot of those key business and finance insights directly into Maryland’s Senate Chamber. He’s a great partner of the profession and we’ve worked with him many times on a number of key bills.


Even if you don’t live in Maryland, we think it’s important that you take a few minutes and listen in on this conversation, and here’s why: We all know what’s happening in Washington these day, and what’s happening in Washington is... nothing good. The political climate there is so toxic that nothing – or next to nothing – of huge significance is getting done there.


Most legislative things that impact us directly are happening in our state capitals and in our city or county governments because most of the laws that directly impact our lives are passed at the state and local level. That makes the work that lawmakers do on those levels hugely important – but unfortunately, they’re also criminally overlooked and ignored.


That all means our profession’s involvement at those levels is absolutely critical – and it’s wanted! Lawmakers want to speak with their constituents and get their input. Otherwise, they’re just flying blind.


So we do that, and we hope that after listening to this episode, you will consider speaking with your state and local representatives, too.


To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit blionline.org/blog.

Future-Proof is produced by Podcast Masters