If you want to be a relevant part of this industry tomorrow, there are some things that you need to know today.

There was a time when we could rely on the technical accounting skills we learned in college to see us through years, possibly even decades, of our careers – but things are changing, and they’re changing really, really fast. Tomorrow’s accounting and finance professionals are going to need a new set of tools.

To learn more about what these tools are, we sat down with Jennifer Warawa, Executive Vice President of Partners, Accountants and Alliances with Sage. As part of a unique partnership with the Business Learning Institute, Sage has actually defined the seven tools we will need to start a future-ready practice in what it calls the Sage 7C Transformation Model. We think this model, and the thinking behind it, are really important.



Learn more at PracticeOfNow.com Connect with Jennifer on LinkedIn


Future-Proof is produced by Podcast Masters