What we do isn’t who we are; we are all something more than our job. So, what’s that thing that really defines us?

Our guest John Garrett, for example, is a CPA, yes. AND he’s an author, a standup comedian, an Emmy Award nominee, and a thought-provoker — he’s a lot besides just a CPA, and he’s encouraging all of us to find our “and” too. He recently wrote a book on the topic — “What’s Your And? Unlock the Person With the Professional”  — to teach others how sharing your personal passions improves work performance, builds culture, and strengthens relationships with colleagues and clients.

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit blionline.org/blog.


Learn more at thejohngarrett.comRead: “What’s Your And? Unlock the Person With the Professional” Listen: “What’s Your And?” podcast

Future-Proof is a production of Crate Media