If you didn’t already know, the future for esports is extremely bright, and it’s only going to get brighter.
Schools are seeing the opportunity to not just get kids excited about education in a different way, but they also see an entirely new opportunity to help get kids prepared for careers in a new way.
Lenovo is helping get schools set up and making strides from elementary to colleges, and today Jeff Palumbo, Lenovo’s Global Esports Solution Manager is talking to Rebecca on The Future of Marketing in Esports to discuss how schools can get their programs they started.
They also talk marketing, and what brands can do today to get in, and why staying on the sidelines is only costing them more money!
If you’re interested in connecting with Jeff, you can email him at: jpalumbo {at} lenovo.com

If you didn’t already know, the future for esports is extremely bright, and it’s only going to get brighter.

Schools are seeing the opportunity to not just get kids excited about education in a different way, but they also see an entirely new opportunity to help get kids prepared for careers in a new way.

Lenovo is helping get schools set up and making strides from elementary to colleges, and today Jeff Palumbo, Lenovo’s Global Esports Solution Manager is talking to Rebecca on The Future of Marketing in Esports to discuss how schools can get their programs they started.

They also talk marketing, and what brands can do today to get in, and why staying on the sidelines is only costing them more money!

If you’re interested in connecting with Jeff, you can email him at: jpalumbo {at} lenovo.com