How can brands win with esports and gaming partnerships? Although it’s not as easy as other industries, there is still a lot of opportunity to do some great things and win over a demographic for life, If it’s approached the right way.
Felix LaHay, Founder of United Esports joins Rebecca on this episode to discuss how brands can win when it comes to the world of gaming and esports, and what’s important for them to understand about this very specific demographic.
They talk about why brands have to be up front when getting involved in this industry, why the long game need to always be considered, why now is the ultimate time to get into esports, plus so much more!
To learn more and connect with Felix, visit

How can brands win with esports and gaming partnerships? Although it’s not as easy as other industries, there is still a lot of opportunity to do some great things and win over a demographic for life, If it’s approached the right way.

Felix LaHay, Founder of United Esports joins Rebecca on this episode to discuss how brands can win when it comes to the world of gaming and esports, and what’s important for them to understand about this very specific demographic.

They talk about why brands have to be up front when getting involved in this industry, why the long game need to always be considered, why now is the ultimate time to get into esports, plus so much more!

To learn more and connect with Felix, visit

