Did you miss MUSES? Tune in for a mini recap at the beginning of the episode. Stick around as Phillip and Brian dive into the intriguing world of how digital media influences and sometimes distorts our memories and perceptions, particularly in the context of business and cultural trends.

Ripples in a Stream{00:08:20} - “We had Chloe Ryan, who's the CEO of Acrylic Robots, sit on the panel, and her perspective is this is a new technology that allows for reproduction, not mass reproduction, but reproduction for digital artists to actually sell web to print, direct to consumer, print on demand paintings of the first of its kind and sort of launching a marketplace, which is a commerce-centered marketplace.” - Phillip{00:21:34} - “Brands no longer are in full control of their own story and their own destiny and customers now have the tools en masse to be creative and to contribute to the lore and the story and world-building that is going to be required to build brands in the future.” - Phillip{00:29:50} - “We sort of build on top of whatever takes hold at the moment. And so these worlds that are being built now, if you're a world builder now, who knows how adopted that might be in decades to come. We don't know what kind of foundation we're laying and what will end up becoming the foundation for a lot, lot, lot, lot more.” - Brian{00:33:35} - “What's so fascinating about something like Gag City where it used to be just fan fiction, the Gag City background could be a setting for many stories in the future, and that could elevate the next level of creators to a really well-realized universe where almost anything can happen.” - Phillip{00:43:52} - “The reason Future Commerce feels different is because we're making content for ourselves first and for an audience, not even second or third. I think we're doing things that pursuing things that are uniquely passion projects for us. That's why we are so early all the time on so many things.” - Phillip{00:46:58} - “Retail is both one of the best applications for technology and one of the best ways to understand how technology should actually be used and then spit out for other reasons.” - Brian{00:57:24} - “That's what a lot of brands are trying to do, which is make a mark in the culture that allows them to sit outside of the stream of consciousness. And maybe some photography from Haus is a really good example of it was profoundly of the time and will never escape its own gravity. It will be stuck in that time forever. And maybe for the brand equity, that's a good thing. That's what brands want. So that means you go through an awkward phase where at some point in the future, people make fun of it and deride it, and then it becomes nostalgic.” - PhillipAssociated Links:Grab your copy of The Multiplayer Brand for just $20 with free shipping in the U.S.Have you checked out our YouTube channel yet?Subscribe to Insiders and The Senses to read more about what we are witnessing in the commerce worldListen to our other episodes of Future Commerce

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