DTC Comes of Age in GroceryGrocery is one of the most complicated forms of retail that exists, leading it to be the one of the biggest forms of retail. “We talk a lot about retail. We talk a lot about CPG. And I mean, we talk a lot about eCommerce just generally, which a lot of focus of the scale of eCommerce has been in the direct to consumer movement over the last couple of years. But grocery is where it's at right now.” -PhillipThe pandemic was in many ways a great accelerant for grocery. It’s allowed grocery retailers to evolve in many areas, including eCommerce grocery shopping. Grocery isn’t turning back to the way it was before.Because of this acceleration, grocers are innovating across all aspects of the business from eCommerce (which was virtually nonexistent just 5 years ago for most grocers), to supply chain, to adapting to changes in customer demand and expectations.Grocers are meeting the evolution of customer expectations by providing higher levels of personalization… which is also doubling as advertisement for products. Why did Albertsons close their marketplace during the pandemic?? Literally no one actually knows and it wasn’t answered adequately in their session. Apparently, according to Chris Rupp it’s “just not who we [Albertsons] are.”Basically the whole world is just run from csv files. The web marketplace is one of the hardest things to run, in fact it's almost impossible. In order to execute you have to have a product mindset innovation. “There's been a lot of innovation and not just that at the retail level of grocery, but also at the product CPG sort of level of grocery as well. Over the past 18 months, we've seen a lot of new players in this market, and they’re all trying to get into the physical store.” -BrianAssociated Links:Phillip’s Tweet about GroceryshopGet on the list for our Nine by Nine report...coming soon!We provide the insights you need to shape the future of your retail business. Subscribe to our Insiders email

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