Show Notes Future Commerce Episode 46
Review of 2017’s conference

FC Interviews Magento's own Peter Sheldon

Kobe Bryant gave the keynote

Brian’s favorite talk: the textile guy () letting the audience see behind the veneer of his business.

“The garden section,” and “The OG Future Blanks.”

Writing thank you notes with [](Bond, the robot auto-writer)

VNTNA, holograms, and the shared experience

If the future is now, where are our flying cars?

Google Pixel Buds: the potential to reshape the world with a real-life Babelfish

Rebuilding Puerto Rico with Elon Musk’s help. Will Tesla battery packs help modern cities rethink infrastructure with tech at the core?

Reminder, friends of the future: we want to be more engaged with you! Join FC Insiders, follow us on Facebook (it’s hoppin’), follow us on Twitter, find us on LinkedIn (Brian lives and breathes LinkedIn). We want to know who you are and what you want!

Augmented Reality’s leap in sophistication

Nike and AR: combating sneaker bots
Ikea’s new ARKit built app verging on uncanny valley territory
Toys “R” Us, bankruptcy, and a chance to rebrand with AR at the core of store experience
AR’s role in commerce: “just like we don’t call movies talkies, and we don’t call cars horseless carriages” the name and the technique of AR will fade into the background
Assessing your AR strategy
Black Mirror’s “Nosedive” and social media’s role in commerce

Brand perception: stay in your lane?

The Amazon sphere of influence affects Costco: Costco announces grocery delivery program
Costco’s had a trick up their sleeve all along: a hamburger. What hamburger is up your sleeve?
Phillip’s cuckoo clock room of Amazon Echoes
What better way to end a podcast than with a reference to Ray Bradbury’s “There Will Come Soft Rains.”

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