Previous Episode: FunFacts With ... Josh
Next Episode: FunFacts With ... Julian

Hey FFW Family,
As of 5/30/2021 i have been laid off of my job for ball park one month. inorder to have a little time to process this lay off i am shifting this weeks post to next week. in the meanwhile. I make these podcasts entirely out of my own wallet and though production costs arn't the biggest thing in the universe they do make up a large chunk of my income when i have a job. So please consider throwing us a little financial support if you like what i do and you want to see our little channels grow and improve.
RedBubble shop
or heck even Venmo @vlogwonderland
In other news we are looking for more guests. so if you want to be on the show or if you represent a celebrity, scientist, or other expert who would like to come on the show for free. Please fill out the google form here
The next episode will come out June 9th.
If you are looking for something to listen to in the mean time Please check out our sister podcast at
I hope you are all well and that you remain so in these trying times.
The audio is the orignal piano opening and closing i wrote for this show back when we began in april of last year.
Make Good Choices,
Connor J-L Casady