This episode Zach and Caleb discuss the ethics surrounding the use of social media. They are joined by Dr. Amanda Kelly (Behaviorbabe) and Dr. Megan Miller (#DoBetter).

2 Ethics CEs are available for this episode. You can purchase them at

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Things to check out from the episode:

BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Codes-  1.06, 8.0


Kelly, M. P., Martin, N., Dillenburger, K., Kelly, A. N., & Miller, M. M. (2019). Spreading the news: History, successes, challenges and the ethics of effective dissemination. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 440-451.

O’Leary, P. N., Miller, M. M., Olive, M. L., & Kelly, A. N. (2017). Blurred lines: Ethical implications of social media for behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 10, 45-51.