In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview dietician Tracey Long in a deep discussion about how to overcome mold and biotoxin illness. Tracey has firsthand experience with mold and biotoxin illness so she brings a unique and valuable perspective to this topic. We discussed Tracey's personal journey with mold and biotoxin illness, how to test your home for mold, lab testing, associated conditions, symptoms, and management strategies to get well.

Full transcript on How to Overcome Mold and Biotoxin Illness
Dr. Hedberg: Well, welcome, everyone, to "Functional Medicine Research." I'm Dr. Hedberg. Really excited today to have my good friend and colleague, Tracey Long, on the show. Tracey is a registered dietician, with specialty certification training in Integrative and Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy and The Bredesen Protocol to End Alzheimer's. She owns a private practice, Big Picture Health in Hendersonville, North Carolina, where she sees clients via video consultations. She specializes in working with clients with neurodegenerative conditions, biotoxin illnesses, gastrointestinal conditions, and nutrigenomics. She is a published author and teaches health coaches for Chris Kresser's Health Coach Training Program. Tracey's education includes a master of public health, an emphasis on nutrition and exercise physiology from the Colorado School of Public Health, where she studied under Dr. Loren Cordain who many of you may know as the author of "The Paleo Diet." And she's also a registered yoga teacher and certified exercise physiologist. Her personal interest include hiking with her husband and dog, urban farming, teaching yoga, foraging for mushrooms in the mountains of Western North Carolina, growing medicinal herbs and produce, paddleboarding, and visiting her three grown daughters in Colorado. Tracey, welcome to the show.


Tracey: Thank you so much, Nik. I'm so happy to be here with you today. Really appreciate the opportunity.

Dr. Hedberg: Yes. Yeah. It's gonna be fun. So why don't we begin by talking about your personal journey with mold? And that's gonna be the topic of today, mold and biotoxin illness. So why don't you share your personal journey?

Tracey: You bet I'd love to. And really, my personal journey, Nik, really started with a professional journey in that I became very interested in neurodegenerative conditions and I completed Dr. Bredesen's training, as you mentioned, The Bredesen Protocol to End Alzheimer's. And Dr. Bredesen has sub-categorized underlying causes of Alzheimer's, and one of those underlying causes he refers to as type three Alzheimer's that's really related to toxins. And he's identified three categories of primary toxins. The first one is heavy metals and the second one is biotoxins. And in that category, biotoxins, certainly, mold is included and also tick-borne illnesses. And now even recently we've added COVID-19, especially from the standpoint of, you know, people who have had COVID-19 and they haven't recovered. You know, we're referring to them as long haulers. And I bring that up. I'll tie that all in in just a minute. The third type of toxin Dr. Bredesen addresses are organic compounds. So there are things like herbicides and pesticides, things that we can be highly exposed to in the environment. It was interesting in that journey that I had that training and I started working with clients with all the subtypes of Alzheimer's, little did I know that I would end up having my own personal experience. So I was assisting clients who had been exposed to mold, certainly, and then we ended up moving to North Carolina. It's in the South. It's very moist here, as you know, I know you live here too. So, you know, we've had a year of record rainfall here.

So I moved from Colorado, which was very hot and dry to the Southeast, which is living like in the tropics, really. We're living in a rental house. And when we found the house,