I would like to report on the new product GI Meal Select from Moss Nutrition. With the increasing prevalence of gut disorders, we need more strategies to help patients get well quickly and effectively. GI Meal Select has been carefully formulated to address many aspects of gut healing in an affordable and effective product.

GI Meal Select is designed to provide optimal nutrient sustenance so it can act as a stand-alone meal replacement. It is easy to digest, pleasant tasting, and reasonably priced. One of the issues with many meal replacement products is the carbohydrate and fat content which can cause gut issues like gas and bloating so this product has almost completely eliminated both.

It also contains no protein powder such as whey and pea which most people with gut issues can no longer tolerate. Instead, it uses the Reginator amino acid blend to maintain muscle mass and promote tissue repair.

Resting the digestive organs can be paramount in helping to enable proper gut healing and repair, provided there is an ongoing presence of protein building blocks (essential amino acids) to prevent tissue breakdown, and sufficient micronutrient cofactors to enable enzyme function and structural support. GI Meal Select provides these requisites along with two targeted gut health nutrients: a potent 2 grams of immunoglobulin rich IgY Max plus 1.75 grams of pure L-Glutamine, the primary fuel of enterocytes (cells lining the digestive tract).

All the nutrient components in GI Meal Select are provided in their basic, predigested or “elemental” forms, taking a great burden off the digestive organs. In this sense, GI Meal Select offers restorative and reparative benefits similar to those of elemental formulas. However, GI Meal Select is very low in calories and free from added carbohydrates and fats, macronutrients which may trigger symptoms in GI patients. Individuals who do tolerate fats may be advised to add one teaspoon of a liquid omega-3 supplement such as EPA/DHA HP Select (high potency fish oil), Icelandic Cod Liver Oil (also a good source of vitamins A & D3) or flaxseed oil to their GI Meal Select shake.

While not appropriate for extended use as the sole source of daily nutrition, GI Meal Select can be taken one or more times per day, as directed, in place of a regular meal or between meals. By allowing the digestive organs to temporarily rest, removing dietary components that feed gut microbes, supplying the body with elemental nutrition and directly nourishing the gastrointestinal tract with immunoglobulins and amino acids, GI Meal Select may help to promote repair of the intestinal lining, decrease the severity of inflammatory GI conditions, diminish the incidence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and help to reset overall gut health, structure and function.

A COMPREHENSIVE MULTIPLE VITAMIN/MINERAL Each serving of GI Meal Select contains a complete array of vitamins and minerals. Fat soluble vitamins A, D3, E and K2 help to heal mucous membranes and support healthy immune function, bone and vascular health. B-complex vitamins in bioactive forms, featuring methylated folate and B12, and vitamin B6 as P-5-P, promote healthy energy production, detoxification and nerve cell transmission. Buffered vitamin C is gentle on the stomach. Full spectrum minerals, essential for countless physiological mechanisms, are provided in natural, carrier-free forms to minimize the potential for irritation in hypersensitive gut patients. Moderate rather than therapeutic V/M dosing allows GI Meal Select to be taken more than once daily if needed.

FREE-FORM ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS (EAA) represent the microscopic building blocks for all the proteins in the body—from skeletal and smooth muscle tissue to enzymes and antibodies. In contrast to food-bound proteins and protein powders such as whey, rice or pea protein, free-form EAAs are already broken down or “predigested” hence they require no effort to process,