We evaluate what a REPL really is and show that it's much more about the developer experience than simply calculating values.

Each week, we answer a different question about Clojure and functional programming.

If you have a question you'd like us to discuss, tweet @clojuredesign, send an email to [email protected], or join the #clojuredesign-podcast channel on the Clojurians Slack.

This week, the question is: "What's so different about Clojure's REPL?" We evaluate what a REPL really is and show that it's much more about the developer experience than simply calculating values.

Selected quotes:

"The Clojure REPL is your window into the state of a running application."

"It's a much larger, broader kind of experience."
"It's funny to have mutable programs and immutable data, but that's what Clojure gives you."
"The fact that the REPL can read expressions and run them becomes one of it's least interesting attributes."

Related episodes

012: Embrace the REPL
013: Connect the REPL
014: Fiddle with the REPL

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