Christoph wants to teach filter some vocabulary.

Christoph wants to teach filter some vocabulary.

Continuing our discussion of rummaging through the big bag of data.
Mental shift for solving the problem:

Prior thinking: one function that has to look at all entries
New thinking: filter out irrelevant entries then reduce on just those

New mentality emphasizes the problem of "picking" over "combining". Once you have the right set of entries, the reduce becomes trivial.
Idea: build up a "vocabulary" of picking.
"You build up the language to the level you want to use it at."
A "predicate" is simply a function that gives you a truth value.
We want to create a set of predicates to use with filter.
By convention, predicates in Clojure end with ?. Eg. some?, contains?, every?
First predicate to create: (spans-midnight? start-timestamp end-timestamp)
Problem: using it is verbose: (filter #(spans-midnight? (:start %) (:end %)) entries)
Better idea: have the predicate take an entry.
The predicate should speak at the level of the items for filter.

Just take entry: (spans-midnight? entry)
Usage: (filter spans-midnight? entries)

New question: how many minutes did I work on the weekend?

New predicate: (weekend? entry)
Usage: (filter weekend? entries)

"My time in Clojure makes me look at big, long functions and wonder if they should be broken into smaller pieces."
Simplify implementation of weekend? with a simpler predicate: (day-of-week? weekday entry)
Order matters: put weekday first for partial.
Now the weekend? function is a simple or of calls to day-of-week?
Even better: use an "extractor" function (day-of-week entry) that returns the day.
Useful for day-of-week? but also for any other logic that needs to pull out the day.
An "extractor" provides a useful view of the data.
Now a weekday? predicate becomes trivial: (not (weekend? entry))
Key idea: the use of language mirrors how we talk about it.
Not just about decomposition, but about how it reads linguistically.
Can make a predicate for any day of the week with: (partial day-of-week? :sunday), etc.
Use like so: (filter (partial day-of-week? :sunday) entries)
"Partial to parameterize a predicate." (Say that three times fast.)
New question: did I work a long day on Tuesday?

Won't work to write a predicate at the "entry" level
Need a new "day" level

Once again, the language hints at the level of abstraction.
Idea: function that "uplevels" by taking a list of entries and producing a list of days
Predicates can work at both levels if entry and day have some consistent structure.
The "structure" (or "data shape") is a consistent use of keys and key paths between abstractions. It is not a "base class".
Eg.: both entry and day have a :date key, so the same day-of-week? predicate works on both.

Related episodes:

015: Finding the Time
016: When 8 - 1 = 6
017: Data, at Your Service

Clojure in this episode:


Code sample from this episode:

(ns time.week-04
[time.week-03 :as week-03]
[java-time :as jt]))

; Helper for loading up time entries

(defn log-times
(->> (week-03/lines filename)

; Extractors

(defn day-of-week
(jt/day-of-week (-> entry :date)))

; Predicates

(defn spans-midnight?
(not= (jt/local-date (:start entry)) (jt/local-date (:end entry))))

(defn day-of-week?
[day entry]
(= (day-of-week entry) (jt/day-of-week day)))

(defn weekend?
(or (day-of-week? :saturday entry)
(day-of-week? :sunday entry)))

(defn weekday?
(not (weekend? entry)))

; Aggregations

(defn total-minutes
(->> entries
(map :minutes)
(reduce +)))

(->> (log-times "time-log.txt")
(filter spans-midnight?))
(->> (log-times "time-log.txt")
(filter (partial day-of-week? :wednesday)))
(->> (log-times "time-log.txt")
(filter weekend?))
(->> (log-times "time-log.txt")
(filter weekday?)