In this episode, The Annuity Man and GUEST discuss: 

CDs and MYGAs I-bond no-brainer The safest product in principal protection  How safe are MYGAs? 


Key Takeaways: 

Here’s how CDs (Certificate of Deposit) work: you give the bank money, they protect the principal, and you don’t have to pay any fees. You can take the interest if you want to at the end of the term and do what you want with your money. MYGAs are basically the annuity industry’s version of a CD.  Treasury bonds are a no-brainer. Go to to buy them for yourself. The only downside of treasury bonds is that there’s a limitation on how much money you can put in it.  Of these three safe principal protection options, treasury bonds are the safest because the government can tax or confiscate money in order to pay it, and they will. The second safest one is CDs since they are government-based as well.  MYGAs are safe products to invest in, and their safety is based on the annuity company’s ability to pay. They are commodity products, and the money you’ll get from them can be used to buy another MYGA from another company. However, you can’t put all your money on annuities; you got to spread it around. 


"This trifecta is a contractual guarantee:  CDs, Treasury's, Multi-Year Guarantee Annuities. You’re owning these because of what they will do, not what they might do. You're buying the yield. The yield is contractual." —  Stan The Annuity Man.




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