In this episode, The Annuity Man discussed: 

Annuities are customizable 

An example of life with cash refund 

What does it mean to get a joint-life policy

Options and choices when getting an annuity 


Key Takeaways: 

A life-only contract means that the annuity company is on the hook to pay as long as you’re breathing, but the money goes away when you die. 

Life with cash refund means that you get paid while you’re alive, with some money going to your beneficiary when you die. 

A joint life policy means that you and your spouse will receive payments. When you die, their income continues uninterrupted and unchanged. 

There’s not just one annuity, there are many kinds, and there are also a lot of options when customizing your contract. 


"I want you to understand what you’re buying and how it works ‘cause remember, an annuity is a contract" —  Stan The Annuity Man.


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